School Day & Timings

Aylesbury UTC / Students / School Day & Timings

Typical Aylesbury UTC School Day

Your time at Aylesbury UTC will closely resemble a working day beginning at 8.40am; ending at 3:00pm.

We asked some of our students to write down what a normal day looks like for them from start to finish. Find out all about the UTC day from students, below.

Aylesbury UTC day time

+ - Jasmine (Year 10 Computing) - Day in the Life

An average Aylesbury UTC school day begins by taking my walk to school. I arrive at school and scan my card to enter the building before catching up with my friends until registration.

We head to our forms at 8:40 and there we are given important information or news we need to have; we are also registered. Period 1 begins at 8:50, and period 2 begins at 9:50. Each lesson is 1 hour long. We have two lessons in the morning, two after break, and one after lunch.

Within a day at the UTC, we usually have at least two hours of our specialist subjects, with Fridays being the exception. I enjoy having my specialist subjects this frequently as it allows me to keep up with coursework and assignments and fully engage with my subjects.
At break time, we can chat with friends, get food and snacks from the cafeteria, and relax for a while. Break takes place in the atrium so there’s plenty of space!

Period 3 begins at 11:10 after break finishes and ends at 12:10. Then we have period 4 at 12:10 and leave for lunch at 13:10.

Lunchtime at UTC is unique in comparison to other schools in the area as we are given the freedom to head out to town, go for a walk, or play a sport on a local green space. Also, this allows us students to pick food of our own choice rather than just relying on the cafeteria, as well as encouraging us to have fun and get some fresh air. On the other hand, you can also stay at school for lunch, and pick from the range of food on the menu each day.

After lunchtime, we return to our form classes for afternoon registration and a catch-up with our form tutors. Once registration is complete, the final lesson of the day starts at 14:00. At the end of the lesson, we are dismissed and can head home for a well-earned rest.

Jasmine, Year 10 Computing

+ - Shaan (Year 10 Computing) – Day in the Life

My day usually starts with the sun rays, signalling yet another fun new experience in the UTC. I roll out of bed, groggy but none the less, determined. After a quick breakfast, my daily cycle commute begins. As I arrive at Aylesbury UTC. I swipe my student card as a scurry towards the table my friends chill at. We are greeted with the familiar buzz of everyone chatting before form. After having a nice morning catch up, everyone is either heading to form, or on Fridays, headed to Morning briefing. Form is a place where you catch up with your classmates, laugh about your weekend and get ready for period 1.

As prompted by our Form tutor we head to the first lesson of the day devoting our focus. Period 2 follows – it’s Science, where the specialist teacher present explains complex concepts which I write notes down for without question. I know that it will help me look back with my teacher to see what I don’t understand and where I can improve. Period 3 begins* and you are met with the main reason you joined, your specialism (on our timetable)! For me it would be Computing. You’ll love diving into computer aided design projects and envisioning the means to technology. Daniel and Komal will be there for you. Period 4 is where you’ll usually be longing for a bite to eat. Maths it is today. Lorraine and Tim will be there to make sure you understand each envisioned mathematical idea fully.

Lunchtime! Aylesbury UTC completely breaks the mold. Also, you have two choices: stay on campus and explore new items on the menu or venture into town center! Today I opted for fresh air.
As I walk back to campus I cant help but reflect on my amazing day. Aylesbury UTC isn’t about homework or stress like an ordinary school. Every day is uniquely different. Tomorrow the cycle begins anew and you are kick started ready for the adventure that awaits.

This Aylesbury UTC school day in the life was written by Shaan

School Day Timings

Aylesbury UTC school day timings are similar to other Buckinghamshire schools. The day begins with AM registration (tutor time). Students are expected to be in tutorial for 8:40am. Each lesson is one hour long. There are five main lessons per day.

The school day ends at 15:00. Some extra-curricular activities or revision sessions may be available. View our term dates calendar.

Time Session
08:45 AM Registration or Briefing
08:50 Period 1
09:50 Period 2
10:50 Break
11:10 Period 3
12:10 Period 4
13:10 Lunchtime
13:50 PM Registration
14:00 Period 5