
An attendance policy is in place to ensure that students attend 100% of the time, whenever possible. We can raise achievement and participation levels by maintaining high attendance levels.

Our school aims to meet its obligations with regards to school attendance by:

  • Promoting good attendance and reducing absence, including persistent absence
  • Ensuring every pupil has access to full-time education to which they are entitled
  • Acting early to address patterns of absence

We will also support parents to perform their legal duty to ensure their children of compulsory school age attend regularly. We will promote and support punctuality in attending lessons. Regularly in this context means no more than one day absent per calendar month.

Students will know that their behaviour must be exemplary and professional at all times whether inside Aylesbury UTC or on employer premises. All students should aspire to have 100% attendance. It is required that a student’s parents or careers will fully support this expectation.

Unplanned Absence

All lateness and attendance must be followed up on the day by Reception and for students under the age of 18, parents or guardians must be contacted. Also, students are responsible for arriving at all lessons on time and ready to learn.

Parents must notify the school on the first day of an unplanned absence by 8.20am or as soon as practically possible. Parents should email to or telephone 01296 388688 (a message may be left). Absence due to illness will be authorised unless the school has a genuine concern about the authenticity of the illness.

For an absence request form, click here.

This page is awaiting updates. The attached policies will be updated in due course.