
This page has information about upcoming exams and important rules for exam candidates to abide by. Information is provided by JCQ, which is a single body comprising of eight qualification providers in the UK. You can contact the Exams Officer by email: exams@aylesburyutc.co.uk

Exam Information

This information provided by the JCQ should be studied carefully by candidates.

2024 Results Days

We look forward to welcoming students in to collect their exam results in August. For students who are unable to collect their results in person, more information will be provided to parents and students nearer the time.

A-Level, T-Level and BTEC Level 3 results will be available for collection from 9am on Thursday 15th August.

GCSE and BTEC Level 2 results will be available for collection from 9am on Thursday 22nd August.

Exam Timetables for 2024

The official exam season for 2023-24 academic year is complete. More information will be shared about upcoming mock exams for Year 11 in the new academic year.

Replacement Certificates

Information on obtaining replacement examination certificates can be found at https://www.gov.uk/replacement-exam-certificate.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Exams Officer by emailing exams@aylesburyutc.co.uk.