
What about Aylesbury UTC is different? – a new concept in education

In the first place University Technical Colleges (UTC’s) are a new concept in education. Importantly, responding to growing demands from the local community careers required in the Digital and Health industries. It started when these industries need high calibre employees with relevant education. Moreover government are supporting the different way that students can learn and how Aylesbury UTC students are a level above and work ready which we are very proud of.

In 2021, we became a valued member of The Merchant Taylors’ Oxfordshire Academy Trust (MTOAT). This was formed in 2011 with Wallingford School and Brightwell cum Sotwell Primary School. We are proud of this new link with the Merchant Taylors’ Company in the City of London. The focus of MTOAT is to deliver high quality education in a small number of academies.

Our Vision

AUTC Vision Able & Qualified

Sending every young person into the world able and qualified to play their full part in it

Our Values

Aylesbury UTC Values

Welcome from the Principal

A warm welcome to Aylesbury UTC

We wish you a very warm welcome to Aylesbury UTC. Our school was established in 2013, originally as Buckinghamshire UTC, and we have recently changed our name. What hasn’t changed is our focus on providing young people with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in their chosen future pathway. We are passionate about making a difference to our students, their families and the local community.

Principal Joe Dunckley

Joe Dunckley , Principal at Aylesbury UTC

Joe begins by saying,

I am excited to be joining this school and working with your children to prepare them for the future. I am very much looking forward to getting to know all our pupils, parents, carers and staff.

Joe continues to say

I am committed to education for all. My philosophy towards education is a straightforward one, I believe resolutely in providing an education for all young people. The opportunity for a young person to access a high-quality education that provides them with the currency to succeed in life is a right for all and no barrier should exist that compromises this.

I have worked in three UTCs before, including this one when it was Bucks UTC and I am passionate about what the UTC model can offer young people. UTCs are more than just schools, but establishments that can provide a blend of academic and technical learning. Aylesbury UTC is a fantastic school with outstanding facilities and hardworking and dedicated staff and I couldn’t be prouder in taking on the leadership for the 2023/24 academic year and beyond.

From my experience of being a senior school leader for more than 10 years, I know that a successful and happy school depends on all of us working together. As parents and carers, you make an important contribution to your children’s achievements, and I’m excited to build on the relationship between you and the school.

Thank you for your continued support of Aylesbury UTC. I look forward to working with you to make this school the best it can be.

Yours sincerely,

Joe Dunckley


Exciting opportunities for students aged 14 – 19 years old

One important aspect of Aylesbury UTC is how we continue to evolve with exciting opportunities for students aged 14-19 years old. If you wish to explore the industry of Digital or Health and Social Care with our specialist employer-led courses, then you have come to the right place. Alongside a core curriculum at Year 10 and 11 you will undertake a specialist course in your chosen area of interest. At Sixth Form, you will get the chance to work in many different companies whilst undertaking a course of study which will open up all of the routes you might wish to consider.

We combine the hand and the mind to integrate national curriculum requirements (GCSE, BTEC, T-Level) with technical, practical and employer-led elements.

Employer led education

The UTC brings together major local employers such as Cisco and  Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust in equal partnership. This ensures students gain the right skills and motivation and are given a genuine work-related learning experience which will improve their employability within the Digital and Health and Social Care sectors.

‘I was delighted to see the students embracing their academic and vocational training in Computing and Construction when I visited. We are desperately short of skilled technicians in these areas in the UK and it’s great to meet the next generation’. – The Rt Hon Lord Baker of Dorking CH, Chair of the Baker Dearing Educational Trust, a registered charity that promotes University Technical Colleges.

The Impact of a UTC Education